Church of St. John the Evangelist Kilbarrack Foxfield Parish Newsletter Sunday 17th September 2024 Thirty third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Parish Contacts –

Fr Peter Finnerty, PP, Ph: 01-832-3150.

Fr Séamus Connell, Ph: 087-702-5120.

Fr Cathal Price, Ph: 01-832-3683.

Janice Dornan, Parish Sec, Parish Office, Ph 01-839-0433.


Mass times – Mon-Wed 10am; Thurs, 7.30pm; Fri 10am. Sat 6pm. Sun 9.30am and 12 noon. Bayside– Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri &-Sat 10am; Sat 7pm. Sun 8am and 11.00am

Our parish is part of the partnership in the Howth Deanery as follows – Baldoyle, Bayside, Howth, Kilbarrack/Foxfield, Sutton. Registered Charity Number 20016166.

Masses for the coming week
Day Date Time
Health Intention for a family Mon 18th 10am
Don Thornbury (RD Tues. 19th 10am
Deceased Members of the Jones and O’Gorman families Wed. 20th 10am
Kathleen, Annie & Christina Kelly (A) Fri 22nd 10am
Mary Keogh (A) Sat 23rd 6pm
Garrath Clarke (A) Sat 23rd 6pm
Frances King (1st A) and remember her husband Noel King Sat 23rd 6pm
Maireád O’Dea (A) and deceased members of the O’Dea family Sun 24th 9.30am
Ann (Nancy) Doyle, Month’s Mind Sun 24th 12pm
Michael Spelman, Month’s Mind Sun 24th 12pm


Recently Deceased

We remember in our prayers

Andrew Jackson, R.I.P., late of Snowdrop Walk

Our thoughts and prayers are with their families, friends and neighbours. May they rest in peace.


Weekly Activities in our Parish Centre
Monday Pilates 9.30–10.30am
Tuesday Chairobics 11.30am-12.30pm
Tuesday Religion classes 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday Gospel Readings 7.30-8.30pm
Wednesday Active Retirement Assoc. 2.30-4.30pm
Wednesday Third Day Chorale 7.45-9.45pm
Thursday Baby Sensory 10am-3pm
Friday Baby Sensory 10am-3pm
Friday Yoga 7-8pm
Saturday Craft Group Monthly
Saturday Sacrament Preparation 5.30pm


Sunday Cuppa after 12 Mass 1st Sunday


Parish Christmas Cards Pack of 5 for €5 on sale now in the Repository while stocks last. 


‘You will show me the path of life, the fullness of joy in your presence.’

As we approach the end of the Church year, the readings challenge us to reflect on the ‘End Times’ and judgement that follows; our own death; and the hope we have in Christ.

The First Reading offers hope to those facing persecution. It includes one of the earliest Old Testament references to resurrection, where the faithful will rise from the dust to ‘shine as bright as stars for all eternity’.

In the Gospel Jesus describes a world beset by turmoil and distress, just like our own. Jesus nevertheless assures his disciples (including us) of his constant presence and his ultimate victory. God’s promises will be fulfilled: we can be confident in knowing that we will rejoice with Christ forever.

The Letter to the Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians struggling with their faith. It speaks of Jesus as the perfect high priest who offered himself as the final sacrifice for our sins. Through Jesus, we are forgiven and made holy.

The Psalm is a hope-filled song of trust and praise that God will offer deliverance from death.

This week let’s pray for each other and follow the Lord’s path of life closely, showing it to others through the way we live our own lives.


Date for your Diary

Take some time out in the run-up to the busy season with a Christmas Retreat which will be held in our Church of St. John the Evangelist Kilbarrack/Foxfield on Saturday 7th December from 10am to 4pm.

Led by Fr. Séamus. Everyone is welcome.

Please give your name Janice in the Parish Office

if you wish to attend the Retreat.


Sacramental Preparation Mass

We welcome the children from Scoil Eoin and North Bay to this month’s preparation Mass this

Saturday, 16th November, at 6pm.

Dates of all the preparation Masses for 2024/25 are available on the Parish website.

Marianne, Finola, Mary & Jenny for the Parish Team


Altar List of the Dead

The envelopes for our November Altar List of the Dead can be returned to the Sacristy/Parish Office or in the box outside the sacristy.


Gospel Evenings – New Time

“Heaven and Earth will Pass Away, but My Words will NOT Pass Away (Mark 13/31)

You are Invited to enrich your Life, your Mass, by making the Readings of the Word of God,

more understandable, more meaningful, more life-giving by coming to

Our Parish Centre Tuesday evenings

from 7.15pm to 8.30pm

Organised by:   Fr. Séamus and team.

Everybody most welcome.


New Pilgrim Path. The Ability to Laugh

The ability to laugh stands as a vital protection of sanity and a mighty form of resistance to inhumanity as attested by the great Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl, in his extraordinary 1946 psychological memoir, Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl’s thinking is presented in the fascinating ‘Marginalian’ website. Access


What’s On
  • Reflection on the Scriptures on Zoom 30pm each Monday. Contact Sr Phyllis – 086 890 9488.
  • Youth Ministry Leadership Zoom Information Evening 18th Email register
  • Anam Cara Anam Cara, Parent Evening for bereaved parents 20th Nov. 7:15pm Hilton Hotel, Malahide Rd. call 01 4045378 or email
  • Country Market. All Saint’s Hall Raheny. Each Thursday from 21st to mid-December. 10.45am-12.15pm. Thurs 28th15am Tour of Church.
  • Healing of the Generations Mass Sunday 24th Nov in our Church with Fr Cathal and team. Mass 7pm.
  • Manresa – Seeking Hope in Unexpected Places.  3-4.30pm 30th November. Call +353 1 5529 448.
  • Bayside Christmas Market. Saturday, Nov 30th/ Sunday Dec 1st. Volunteers needed.
  • Coffee morning for Capuchin Day Centre. Church Street. Monday 2nd December 10am-12 noon.  Bayside Community Centre. Details from Mary 0872925706/Anna 0871389351.
  • Nutritious Meals on Wheels to your door. 5 days a week – €5 per day. Call Jackie 087 708 5144.


Christmas Concerts


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held Tuesday to Friday, 11am-3pm, each week


You Are Not Broken

When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently.

Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning.

Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in. And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness.

We find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine, to redefine what it means to be strong.

You are not broken; you are breaking through.’


My Wish for You

This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.~          Ralph Waldo Emerson


Robin Williams once said, “I think the people who have been through the most sadness are the ones who always try the hardest to make others happy. Because they know in their flesh what it’s like to feel empty and depressed and they don’t want anyone else to feel that way.”
Go out into the world today and love the people you meet.   Let your presence light new light in the hearts of others. – Mother Teresa.


When I Die Give me Away

“When I die give what’s left of me away to children and old men that wait to die.

And if you need to cry, cry for your brother walking the street beside you.   And when you need me, put your arms around anyone and give to them

what you need to give to me.

I want to leave you something, something better than words or sounds.

Look for me in the people I’ve known or loved,

And if you cannot give me away, at least let me live in your eyes and not on your mind. 

You can love me most by letting hands touch hands, by letting bodies touch bodies and by letting go of children that need to be free.  Love doesn’t die, people do.

So, when all that’s left of me Is love, give me away. . .”

Merrit Malloy


God, I’m sorry for all the times I asked your forgiveness and reverted afterwards.   I am sorry for all the times I said I love You but was busy with other things and made no time for You.  God, I’m sorry I disappointed You more times than I can count, but I thank you for still choosing me.


Thought for the Week

You may not always see the results of your kindness, but every bit of positive energy you contribute to the world makes it a better place for all. – Lisa Currie.